This is how I feel about The Great Gatsby:

It’s just a hot mess how could not make this face while reading it.

The movie is better btw for those of you that didn’t like the book either

I sorta made this face when watching it THE WHOLE TIME:

Watching Leonardo DiCaprio acting it out PERFECTLY literally gave me goosebumps.

Now let’s talk about the book and the following memes.

Then me getting aggravated at how dumb Daisy is:

She is literally how every freshman acts at school.

Then when Gatsby and Daisy almost got together:

When Myrtle got run over:

Actually I kinda laughed at this part because I saw it coming.

Me everytime I saw Tom’s name:

When Gatsby got shot:

How I pictured Gatsby crying over Daisy:

Me when Gatsby blew up on Tom

I’m actually crying laughing at myself right now. Brb going get a life hehe.

Okay anyway so I’m supposed to be talking about themes I think so let’s do that. One of the themes we talked about in class was like ‘meet whatever means necessary to achieve your goal’. Their goals were either to achieve the American goal or out-do each other. I feel that this is still very relevant today because people do some crazy stuff nowadays to make a point or reach a goal.  Well obviously this didn’t go so well for the characters in the book. Some of the basic examples of the characters wanted to reach their goal is:

  • Gatsby becoming obsessive to get Daisy
  • Gatsby’s want for money and popularity
  • Tom’s want for money and to out-do Gatsby
  • Myrtle getting run over trying to get Tom
  • Myrtle wanting the high life
  • Gatsby getting shot protecting Daisy
  • Tom almost losing Daisy over his attempt to expose Gatsby
  • Nick wanting to learn about the rich life and Gatsby
  • Gatsby trying to overshoot Tom (money and popularity wise)

None of these characters actually reached their goal except maybe Nick. These things were their ideas of reaching the American dream and doing whatever is necessary to meet that. They all did big things that ultimately led to their downfall. (I should get extra points because I used 2 themes btw). If this was real and I could ask the characters one question it would be “Was it worth it”. Was it worth tearing each other apart and almost getting in fist-fights (I’m looking at you tom and Gatsby), and killing people. Why not just let everyone be. Wouldn’t have everything been so different if Gatsby and Daisy had been new lovers with no past? Or if Gatsby hadn’t got shot? Or if Nick hadn’t been the narrator?



























Oh no it wasn’t over. But actually it is I was just curious of anyone would scroll this far to see this

you guys right now:

this blog is gonna suck so don’t read it

Let’s be honest. These blogs are beginning to be too much. I never have any ideas on what to talk about and have the time I’m not even deep enough in a book to write a decent blog. Or I have not read a book. Sorry not sorry. I realize that my blogs have been getting more and more boring but it is due to the fact that I HATE THESE THINGS. I’m so over writing them.



So I just finished the Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras series. Again. For probably the 947 629346032844763084756138074560183475608314756013497561934756314876308475630874563104875t130487561348975604957634896139487`53248961534794651974659234615932874513298475314879152348912735489273548923745873945314 times. Ignore the weird mark in the middle of those numbers I do not know what that is. But lets face it if you read a good book you are gonna read it a billion more times. That’s not what I want to talk about though. When reading a book you can usually relate to a character. Or say “Oh I would totally be that person”. Might be the main character, might not be. Might be the most boring character in the whole book but that means you’re a boring person. When reading I find that I mostly connect with the main character. Tally for example in that series, she defies her government to say people. If you haven’t read that book she’s basically Katniss. I would so be Katniss or Tally. I’d be the person to lead everyone through a zombie apocalypse. Or to lead a revolution. Maybe I’m biased towards myself or something but I would totally be those people. I stand up to teachers and elders a lot. It’s not always a good thing but I don’t usually do it for a bad reasons. I stand for what I believe in and the things I do. Anyone who knows me knows that. I’m always mumbling when someone says something ignorant. If you ever see someone laughing at something I said its probably me shooting someone down.  I think it would be freaking awesome to be Tally. To be inhuman but human at the same time and perfectly flawless.


    Me until that happens.

yay color fonts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly did not even know you could change the font color on here for the longest time. I am a grandma I swear.


Pros and cons of reading a book

Sorry doctor reed, reading is great but has some cons.


1. You learn new things

-like how to tie your shoe idk 

2. It could save your life 

-it could teach you cpr or how to get out of a situation

3. You become smarter         

-you learn language and real world situations

4. You look smarter 

-if someone sees you reading a book you automatically look like a nerd duh

5. It’s a productive way to use free time 

-instead of laying around or watching Netflix read

6. Broadens your horizons 

-you’ll learn new ideas and concepts

7. You get better grades 

-it’s always good to read in front of English teachers to butter them up

8. Discover new places and things 

-you might discover a place you want to visit

9.  Keeps your mind busy 

-an interesting book could keep you thinking FOREVER

10.  There’s so many ways to read now you can read EVERYWHERE 

-audible, Wattpad, kindle, iPad, etc


1. They make you have emotions you don’t want to have

-let’s be honest I get into books. If a character cries I’m crying too.

2. Takes up all your time

-if you’re a dedicated reader you read ALL THE TIME

3. Makes you procrastinate and not do the rest of your homework

– I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t done my homework because I’m reading a good book.

4. Deprives you of sleep

-staying up late to read a book is something I do, i don’t know every day.

5. They can be confusing

– so sometimes when I’m really into a book I skip lines and paragraphs to get to the good parts so I get sooooo confused. That’s on me though

Guess there’s more pros than cons. If you’re not a big reader I always say it’s because you haven’t found the right book. Look harder. Or maybe with your eyes open.

                                                                                how I feel about this blog. And every other blog if  I’m being honest.

2016 best reads

I read a lot of books in the year 2016. A LOT. Over 100 for sure. I’ve probably spent over $200 dollars at books a million.

^That’s how my bank account feels right now.^

Anyway, so here they are:


-Natasha Preston (Not a series, not related)

The Cabin



-Barry Lyga (series, related)

I Hunt Killers


Blood of my Blood


-Jennifer Lynn Barnes ( The Naturals, related)

The Naturals

Killer Instinct

All In

Bad Blood


-Peter Lerangis



-Jennifer Shaw Wolf

Dead Girls Don’t Lie


-Alexandra Monir

The Girl in the Picture


-Laura Ruby

Bone Gap


-Nicholas Sparks

See Me


-Liz Braswell (series but not related)

A Whole New World

Once Upon a Dream

Poor Unfortunate Soul

As Old As Time


-James Patterson (series, related)

Witch and Wizard

The Gift

The Fire

The Kiss

The Lost




-James Patterson

Cross Justice


-Veronica Roth(series, related)





-Jenny B Jones

So Over My Head


-James Dashner (series, related)

The Maze Runner

The Death Cure

The Scorch Trials


-Scott Westerfeld (series, related)







-Megan McCafferty



-Elizabeth Scott

Living Dead Girl


-Suzanne Collins(series, related)

Hunger Games

Catching Fire



-Katie Alender

Bad Girls Don’t Die


K.M Walton



-Ali Novak

My Life With the Walter Boys


-Hannah Jane

The Escape


-Lisa McMann

Dead to You


-Gretchen McNeil



These are the best books I read in 2016. Most of them anyway. Some were re-reads some not but they were all good. Enjoy 🙂






Some more facts

So I recently read a book about a group of friends that stay in a cabin in the woods for a weekend, and two of the friends end up dead. But while the murder investigations go on one of the guy friends falls in love with one of the girl friends and she tells him a secret. She had an abortion when she was 15 years old and no one knew but her. Abortion is a very debatable topic and it has been debated since 1550 B.C. I wasn’t in the mood to debate about it though so I decided to do research and put it into an’re welcome.

Link down below:

Abortion 101



Italians and pizza

I like reading books that haven’t been published yet and unknown authors thoughts. They are truly fascinating. So this book technically doesn’t have a title yet and the author hasn’t put her name out.  The book was about teenage spies with a setting in Italy. I didn’t know some of the places they mentioned so like most kids would do, I googled them. And let me tell you, I was impressed. This blog won’t be a rant like my other ones. Or me stating my opinion…kind of.  We’re gonna talk about Italy, some of the most famous sites, and it’s history.

italy_600x338    elia-locardi-whispers-from-the-past-the-colosseum-rome-italy-1280-wm

The first historical site will be Pompeii. Everyone knows, or should know about the city of Pompeii and what happened to it. There’s countless songs on it also. “And the walls kept tumbling down on the city that we loved. “Great clouds rolled over the hills bringing darkness from above…” -Bastille

A volcano, Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D.  and killed two thousand people.  They were buried in ash and molten lava. When scientists went back to look at Pompeii they found that the whole city under all the rock and molten lava was sill intact. Skeletons, buildings, artifacts, and everything else in the city was still there.

pompeii_garden_of_the_fugitives_02        download   images

I don’t like history too much but I could read about Pompeii for hours.


The Colosseum: Made by the Roman Emperor Nero, it’s the largest amphitheatre in Rome, and is also perfectly symmetrical. It can hold up to 50,000 spectators, and in the past was used usually to watch criminals, lions and gladiators being charged or  fighting.

images-1     inside-the-colosseum



Leaning Tower of Pisa not pizza:  August 9, 1173 was the day the tower started being constructed. The tower was originally supposed to be a bell tower but the clay soil under the tower was not hard enough to support it. After three floors it started leaning. It was left alone for a long time because the government was hoping the soil would harden. So he added four more floors which caused it to lean more.  It has 800 tons of supports round the base to help it stand for tourists.




Vatican Museums: Built by Popes around the world in the 16th century, the Vatican Museums hold famous paintings and sculptures around the world. Some of the paintings include: Hands of God and Adam, Sistine Chapel Creation of Adam,  and The Spiral Staircase.



Everyone knows the best part of Italy is the pizza though.


I hope you liked it. I actually did research 🙂





Here are the top 10 :)

I decided to do a top 10 list lessons about life list. The book 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher kind of inspired me to do this because it was a really deep and emotional book.


LESSON 1: Don’t take people for granted.

-Things never go right when you take people for granted. It only hurts the relationship you and the person have.

LESSON 2: Go for it.

-Don’t hesitate to do something. Whether its asking someone out, wanting to do something you wouldn’t normally do,or just something simple you’re nervous about. Just do it.

LESSON 3: Pay attention to the smallest details in people. If something is off, it’s not just you.

-You never know whats going on inside someone’s head.

Lesson 4: Reap what you sow

If you’re good you’ll get good. If you’re bad you’ll get bad.

Lesson 5: Ignore negative peer pressure.

It’s bad don’t do it.

Lesson 6: Don’t stress about everything.


Stress makes life 10x worst than it needs to be. Select what stresses you out. Let the big things be a problem and the little things not. Take the big things step by step.


Lesson 7: Treat others the way you want to be treated. LOL

It’s the golden rule don’t ya know?

Lesson 8: Often those who aren’t the easiest to love are the ones that need it most.

If a person is easy they aren’t worth it, If they’re worth it they wont be easy.

Lesson 9: Happiness is not based on external status, it’s based on internal state.

If a person is popular but not happy mentally they do not lead a good life.

Lesson 10: Follow your heart





Your heart is your best compass. But when your heart and your brain doesn’t agree.. good luck to ya.


Girl Stolen


To stdownloadart off with I would like to say that this book is really exciting and different than other kidnapping books. Instead of talking about the book though, I would like to discuss the way blind people get treated in society. The main character in this book was in fact blind. She constantly mentioned how people aren’t very nice to her in public. She got treated different if she had her dog versus having her cane. People paid a lot more attention to her and cared to talk to her if she had her seeing eye dog, but only because that made her seem more normal. If she had her cane, she stated that people were rude to her and treated her like she was invisible. After she became blind she tells her kidnapper that her friends treated her like she was a whole different person. They didn’t talk to her, they were too cautious about what they said around her, and they treated her like they didn’t know who she was. I don’t understand why a person being blind is an issue. They can’t see yes, but they still have a heart and feelings. They are still people. Reading the book and reading how she felt made me angry because even though she is a fictional character I’m sure this happens to real people. This made me think different about the public. People can be so cruel and heartless to people that are even the slightest bit different than them. If they aren’t “mainstream” they might as well be aliens. In the kind of world we live in that is quite sad. The handicapped already struggle to be who they are coping with their handicap. They don’t need the extra baggage from rude people. Even the girls stepmother told the main character she needed to learn to do things on her own  because people were getting tired of helping her. Look at it this way, if you were blind, wouldn’t you want to keep the same friends? Be treated the same way? Still have a normal life, and not be constantly reminded by others that you are indeed handicapped and different than others? Exactly. You would. Step a day in the shoes of a person like that and see how difficult it is. Bet you wouldn’t treat someone that way again. Sorry for the rant but things like this make me angry.